Socio-Economic Life in Hatay During the Democrat Party Period



Amik Lake, Antioch, Democrat Party, Hatay, Menderes


The main subject of the article is the peculiar reflections of Hatay, of the social and economical activities of the most controversial and important party of the Turkish political history, the Democrat Party’s (DP) supremacy between 1950-1960s.

Because of its geographical, historical and cultural features, Hatay has been the subject of several investigations. With this work, the socio-economic structure of Hatay has been tried to put forward in every aspectduring the period of the DP, which marked the Turkish political history and caried out rapid development spurt across the country. In this way, it has been considered to be served to complete the purpose of the issue that in scientific sense was left incomplete in that direction. Because of the lack of research reflects that period in a holictic way but in private of Hatay reveals the importance of the work.

In this study, in terms of reflecting of social and economic structure of that period, local newspapers has maxcimally been used. As a result of the investigation of the periodical local newspaper the course of developments in the social and economic fields determined and analyzed. During this process as much as possible from different sources, especially from the newspapers have been utilized. Because the diversity of sources is a factor boosting the clarification of historical events and comparison. It has also tried to clarify the issue through local organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce archives.

In this period, it has been significantly invested in industrialization in this region, as a result of state-citizen cooperation the textile, electrical and mining industry have been established. The use of modern techniques in agriculture and the opening of Lake Amik by drying it have been achieved in crease in agricultural production. It has been expanded the volume of trade capacity of the province by increasing capacity of the region's most important commercial port of Iskenderun Port. Yet in this period, the spread of education, sports and arts activities as well have been made efforts to reach the great masses. Besides, it has accelerated the establishment of non-governmental organizations; especially the great interest in immigrants coming as a result of Bulgarian migration it has contributed significantly to the social integration.


Arşiv Belgeleri

Başkanlık Cumhuriyet Arşivi (BCA)






Süreli Yayınlar

ATAYOLU: 13 Haziran 1950; 16 Kasım 1950; 04 Ocak 1951; 08 Ocak 1951; 10 Ocak 1951; 22 Şubat 1951; 01 Mart 1951; 03 Mart 1951; 05 Mart 1951; 15 Mart 1951; 02 Nisan 1951; 06 Nisan 1951; 05 Mayıs 1951; 22 Mayıs 1951; 29 Mayıs 1951; 04 Haziran 1951; 17 Haziran 1951; 11 Haziran 1951; 15 Ocak 1952; 22 Ocak 1952; 29 Ocak 1952; 06 Şubat 1952; 15 Mart 1952; 07 Temmuz 1952; 19 Eylül 1952; 13 Kasım 1952; 16 Aralık 1952; 21 Mart 1953; 07 Nisan 1953; 20 Nisan 1953; 14 Eylül 1953; 27 Ekim 1953; 14 Kasım 1953; 18 Mart 1954; 20 Nisan 1954; 26 Nisan1954; 25 Temmuz 1955; 29 Temmuz 1955; 14 Mart 1957; 18 Mayıs 1957; 23 Temmuz 1957; 28 Nisan 1959; 13 Haziran 1959; 11 Şubat 1960.

AYYILDIZ: 04 Ocak 1951; 06 Ocak 1951; 08 Ocak 1951; 15 Şubat 1951; 27 Şubat 1951; 05 Mayıs 1951; 29 Mayıs 1951; 18 Ağustos 1951; 14 Kasım 1951; 02 Haziran 1952; 04 Ekim 1956; 15 Ocak 1957; 03 Haziran 1957; 08 Haziran 1957; 17 Ekim 1957; 20 Ekim 1957; 23 Ekim 1957; 18 Kasım 1957; 05 Mayıs 1958.

HATAY POSTASI, 09 Nisan 1957.

KÖRFEZ: 27 Ocak 1954; 17 Nisan 1954; 07 Kasım 1954.

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How to Cite

GÜLEÇ, A., & KALAYCI, İsa. (2024). Socio-Economic Life in Hatay During the Democrat Party Period. Türkiye Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 33–61. Retrieved from