The Life and Memories of Alı Rıza Septioğlu, One of The Colorful Personalities of Turkish Political Life
Elazığ, palu, Member of Parliament, Minister, Ali Rıza SeptioğluAbstract
From the moment people come into the world, they grow, develop, mature and pass away after the time they call life is over. During this adventure called life, there are some people who make a difference with their behaviors, ideas, and attitudes towards events and people. Thanks to these different characteristics that not everyone has, those people manage to stay in people's memories for a long time after they die, to be praised and to receive prayers thanks to the marks they leave behind. Having actively served his country, especially in his hometown of Elazığ, for many years, Ali Rıza Septioğlu has left significant marks on our country thanks to his colorful personality, contributions to Turkish politics, his proper and exemplary family life, and the agile wit he displayed in his reactions to events, as well as the reputation, respect and reverence he earned even among circles with different views and ideas, and has become engraved in the memories of the Turkish people. Trying to keep his ego in the background in the steps he took and making his primary goal to serve the country and the people, Septioğlu has gained an important place in our country with his political life as well as the fact that he comes from a family with great influence in the region. He managed to overcome both his childhood years of poverty and difficulties, and the difficult processes he went through during the “coup periods” together with his family, and he always managed to pull himself and his family back together and get back on their feet. The position he holds; He never forgot these days during his terms as a member of parliament and minister, and did his best to solve and resolve any difficulties that came his way. This study attempts to convey the services and activities of Ali Rıza Septioğlu, who left important memories, lessons and traces for both Turkish politics and the Turkish people throughout his life, for his hometown, Elazığ and his country from his birth until his death. Thus, it is aimed to convey the life and activities of this important figure who lived with a passion for serving his state and nation to future generations.
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